
Website Design and Services IT Services & Technology
Get the advantages of a CTOfor your business without the full cost of hiring one! We specialize in providing premium technology assistance and advice for a fraction of the cost of a full-time CTO.
How much time are you spending every month working on or fighting with your technology stack? With Carved Path Consulting, the answer can be "not at all."
Carved Path Consulting exists to help alleviate the technological challenges that small businesses face. We do so through carefully planning, implementing and executing strategies for technology use in business, and connecting your technology together in ways you never thought possible.
Technology that works for you is well within your grasp. Are you ready to grab it?
WPConcierge offers fully managed WordPress website hosting and maintenance. We help solve your website issues so you can focus on your business.
Additional Info
Business Phone : 301-337-7744
Business Email : sarah@wpconcierge.com
Business Hours : 9 am - 5 pm
Discounts for Chamber Members : First month of website hosting free!
Membership Type
Silver Membership